Saturday, March 14, 2015

India's Daughter

Okay, let's get some facts straight.

<--- This was a 23 year old girl. Her name was Jyoti. She didn't ask to be born and she didn't ask to die. She was an inhabitant of the planet Earth and had every right to go on it where she wished, with whomever she pleased, at any time she chose for whatever reasons she had. She owed no one an explanation. She did not have to seek permission from anyone for anything. Nobody owns Planet Earth. No one single person gets to make the rules for the entire population of this world. And no one person gets to decide that someone else is worth less than they are for refusing to adhere to a strict set of guidelines that exist only in the warped mind of a single twisted person who has absolute zero authority over anyone or anything.

The walking, talking shit splatter known as Mukesh Singh arrogantly stated this morning that Jyoti's death was her own fault, thereby exonerating himself from any responsibility for her death. How nice for him. Hell, let's just let him go now, he's stated how The Rules work and she failed to abide by them. Clearly he was within his rights to kill her. I mean, isn't that how the world works? I say what offends me and everyone else falls into line and obeys without a word because I Said So? And if they continue to offend me, I have the absolute god given right to ram a lead pipe up their anus repeatedly until they die? Seems legit.

"When being raped, she shouldn't fight back. She should just be silent and allow the rape. Then they'd have dropped her off after 'doing her', and only hit the boy."

Oh is THAT how it works! Oh silly me, I must have missed the memo! My bad, then. You're totally right, she should have just laid back and enjoyed having the slimy, disease-ridden cocks of half a dozen strange men shoved up her vagina over and over. Yeah, that's enjoyable. What was she thinking to refuse you a night of entertainment? How rude of her.

"A decent girl won't roam around at 9 o'clock at night. A girl is far more responsible for rape than a boy. Boy and girl are not equal. Housework and housekeeping is for girls, not roaming in discos and bars at night doing wrong things, wearing wrong clothes. About 20 per cent of girls are good."

OMG, she was out at 9PM!!! Wow, what a WHORE!!! She missed the Whore Curfew!!! All Good Girls are home before the sun goes down, everyone knows that! Shit, I'm scheduled to work until 8pm tonight - I'd better go in and tell my boss that I can't work my full shift because if I go home after dark, I'll get raped and beaten and it will be all my fault! I have to be in the acceptable 20 percentile of this man's idea of what a good girl is. After all, he makes the rules for ALL WOMEN EVERYWHERE NOW! Shit, if I walk home after work, I may as well just take off all of my clothes and lay down spread eagled on the sidewalk with a sign propped up against my pussy that says: "FREE COCK STORAGE!"

Singh said: "If my daughter or sister engaged in pre-marital activities and disgraced herself and allowed herself to lose face and character by doing such things, I would most certainly take this sort of sister or daughter to my farmhouse, and in front of my entire family, I would put petrol on her and set her alight."

As well you should, sir. And I, as one of those 20% reformed Good Girls who wish to please you and the rules you have decided are the only ones that matter, will now advocate doing the same to men. I will not allow my husband or boyfriend or son or male associates or coworkers bring shame upon their families or their genders by roaming around after dark, looking for defenseless young girls to brutally rape and beat within an inch of their lives. If I see such a man, or hear him confess his crime, I will do what you did - I will march straight up to him, stove in his skull with a tire iron, ram it up his ass until his sphincter is a ragged, bloody hole and then smear his wounds with napalm and light a match. That's fair, right?

Seriously now: listen up you festering pus hole. You are nothing. You are nobody. You don't own shit. You don't get to make any rules for anyone. You don't get to decide who is good and who is bad and you most definitely do not get to decide their fate based on your ignorant, knuckle-dragging opinions.  Most of all, you do not own a woman. Not your wife, not your daughter, not your sister and not the girl walking down the street minding her own fucking business. You did not make her. She exists independently of you. She is complete without you. She owes you NOTHING. Therefore, your decision that her body is your property makes you a thief. You are stealing her trust, her virginity, her dignity, her identity. You are telling her that she only exists because you have allowed her to thus far. And as the old saying goes, what's good for the goose is good for the gander.

Mukesh Singh, I hope you are raped in prison. Brutally, violently and repeatedly. I know I shouldn't wish harm on others, but you understand nothing but violence, therefore I hope that the violence and misery and pain you have inflicted on others comes back upon you a thousandfold. I hope you are beaten. I hope you feel shame. I hope you are told it is your own fault, and that you believe it with every rotted, cowardly fiber of your pathetic being. You are pig shit. You are maggot vomit. I really, fervently hope that you reap all that you have sown. You, and anyone who thinks as you do be they male or female, old or young, have no right to exist on this planet. You have decided you are God Almighty. I have decided that you are a disease that needs to be wiped out. Your photo of your arrogant, smug, smirking, ugly fucking face doesn't even deserve to occupy the same space that Jyoti's does. You are not fit to say her name. But I wanted people to see what evil looks like - banal, common and dumber than a box full of sticks. You are nobody, you are nothing, and I would happily jump up and down on your face with a jackhammer if given the opportunity.

There are people in this world who do not agree with your assessment that girls who wander about after dark dressed "wrong" and acting "wrong" should be harmed, and a vast majority of them are men. Therefore, their opinion carries as much weight as your own. And should they decide that the same thing should happen to you because you have violated their rules, they will also be right...wouldn't you agree? Men get to make the rules in your world, not just One Man, not just You. ALL men...right?

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