Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Hypocriticus Sapiens

And now, to paraphrase the Beastie Boys, I gotta say a little something that's long overdue, the disrespect to me has got to be through... To all the vegans and couch cruisers and fake soldiers and bad friends, I wanna flip you my biggest bird to the end.  People who post pictures of abused animals on their Facebook pages (and anywhere else, quite frankly) are every bit as sadistic and sick as the people doing the torturing.

Don't agree? Okay...

How about I start posting pics and videos of little kids being raped? Hey, it's got to stop, right? It's horrible, right? SO SIT THERE AND WATCH IT UNTIL YOU AGREE WITH ME! Stick your face right into that sadistic snuff porno. How can you make it stop if you don't see all of it, every last second of the pain and horror? Oh, you don't wanna look at that? Well, you're wrong and I don't care how you feel. LOOK AT IT. Geez, if you can't even look at it, you may as well be raping kids yourself.

Okay, maybe the rape scenario is just too much for your fragile little petals, princess. How about just straight up child abuse, no rape involved? Here, watch this video of a kid being used as a human ashtray. Lets play Connect-The-Dots with all of his tiny little cigarette burn scars! Here's another one having his toes cut off, followed by his fingers. Here's a little girl whose hand is being forced down on the stove top until her screams shred the air like a diamond drill through warm butter. How can you not look at this? What's wrong with you, are you in denial?

Am I getting through yet?

Seriously, this is why I don't log onto Facebook much anymore. I work a 10 hour shift and see so much ugliness in those ten hours: people looking for an argument, people insulting people because they know they can get away with it because the customer is always right, people trying to commit insurance fraud, drug addicts buying needles, junkies coming in with scrips forged by what looks like their 2 year old niece, rich people coming in and talking to me as if I were the dirtiest smear of dogshit on the bottom of their shoe, terminal cancer patients who cannot afford their meds but who smile at me anyway. The world can be an ugly place and it's getting uglier every day. When I come home and tune in to talk to my friends, do you really think I want that So-Called Friend shoving pictures of a half disemboweled dog in my face and demanding that I repost it to prove that I care?

Bitch, no. I am not reposting that. I logged on to here to escape the evils of the world, not to immerse myself in it further or to join you in your perpetual wallow in the misery mudpuddle. I mean, I know you have nothing better to do all day than sit and home and post pics of Fluffy having her eyes gouged out and/or Fido being dropped on the train tracks, but I do. I have this thing called "A JOB." A job I do not have the luxury of quitting. I work all day, almost every day, and I am tired and dispirited when I'm done. The last fucking thing I need to have shoved down my throat when I get home is the fact of how truly sick some people are and how doomed the world is.

A family of Kit Bulls.
And why aren't you posting the names and contact info of the abusers instead of the pictures of their victims? Wouldn't that be more effective? Oh I get it - you're victim blaming. Look at this Bitch. Maybe if she hadn't been out wagging her tail in that glittery pink leash that left nothing to the imagination, she wouldn't have gotten kicked and set on fire. Look at that Pussy. Wow, no shame, just strutting up and down the street, totally naked, showing off those bedroom eyes of hers. Why don't you try something original and post the faces of the abusers? Let us know who they are and where they live. We don't need to see what they've done - knowing is bad enough. I could handle that.

What I cannot handle is your hypocrisy, thinking that you're making the world a better place by showing the worst of the sickness within it. Did it ever occur to you that you are doing the exact opposite? That you are making people despair to the point of hopelessness? Nobody looks at these pics and thinks: "Wow, I am going to get right out of this computer chair and fight the good fight!" No. You know what they're thinking? "The world is a horrible place and I don't want to be a part of it anymore. I am going to unfriend this person because their posts are making me want to commit suicide, and that picture has now caused me a full blown anxiety attack which I must now remedy with some Lorazepam 10mg. So much for doing anything productive tonight, it's off to bed for me. I may cry hysterically too, it depends on how long the meds take to kick in."

Yeah, thanks. You are causing more psychological damage to the people you want as your allies. Good for you, way to go, happy now? Post links to organizations one can donate to, or the name and address of a local shelter where they can volunteer. Because all your abused animal pics are doing is making you look like a sadistic hypocrite. You are not helping. You are making it worse. Why don't you just go stand outside of an abortion clinic with a poster of a mangled fetus?

I love animals more than people, and right now I love alligators more than you. If you want to inspire people to make a difference, try posting pics of happy, spoiled, well fed animals who love their owners/friends/whatever. Show people what happy, loved animals are supposed to look like, and list the rewards of adopting one or several.

You think I'm less than perfect because I won't repost your disgusting collage of sadism, but where were you when I was rescuing baby ducks from a stray cat and herding them safely to a nearby pond? TWICE? Where were you when I rescued a linty frog from a laundry room vent? When I adopted a stray who'd been left in a box outside of a fire department one month after 9/11? Or when I took in a kitten who was about to be put down because she was missing a limb? Where were you when I stopped on my way to work to rescue a robin with a broken wing? Or that sparrow that flew headfirst into a pair of glass doors? I dropped what I was doing and rushed them both to the vet. I've called the police on people who have left their dogs chained up in the heat, or locked in their cars, or abandoned outside without food for days. I helped an ungrateful duck free her foot from a snarl of barbed wire and spent hours in kennels, petting each dog for at least twenty minutes each, telling them all what sweet babies they were. I've done all of those things and more. I'm not bragging. I did it because it was the fucking right thing to do. So don't you DARE tell me that you care more, that you're fighting harder or that your way is the only right way. Fuck you. You're just a peddler for pain, and you ought to be shamed of yourself.

PS - You should follow my friend Teri on Facebook. She once starred in a little movie called The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Now she's a huge animal rights advocate, and she does it right, sharing photos of happy animals with their new families, videos of dogs reunited with their rescuers, wounded and maimed pets given their mobility again and everything you could possibly need to restore your faith in mankind.

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