~ Some Idiot on Facebook who just doesn't get it.
The above ignorant statement was cut and pasted verbatim from FB, where it had just been sitting there - like a giant wart on the ass of God for all to see - in response to an article addressing a woman's objection to being told to "smile" by random guys on the street.
Allow me to retort.
#1 - Please correct the following errors in your grammar and spelling: There should be a question mark (?) after "her." The "I" in your second sentence should be capitalized. You need an apostrophe in your "its" so that it is not possessive but rather a shortened form of "it is." You used the correct form of "I'm" in referring to yourself, but not in the sentence preceding it, where you instead wrote "im." "Also" should have been capitalized. Also, you used the wrong form of "you're." In closing, you forgot to end your paragraph with a period. You're welcome.
#3 - I'm all for equality but if you cant handle someone talking to you, shove off.
Well, I'm very sorry to have to point out the obvious, but you are not "all for equality." Would you walk up to a random guy and tell him to smile? He'd probably fucking clock you right in the mouth for "being a fag." At the very least, he'd snap back with a "mind your own business!" If a girl were to walk around telling random guys to smile, she'd be "asking for it" by being so "forward" and "really should have known better" for "bringing trouble upon herself."
Moving is not the answer. There is no Magical City where women are not harassed on a daily basis. Also, buying guns is a cop-out. Guns are expensive. Guns can be turned on the owner, especially if she is attacked by someone more physically powerful than she. Shooting someone has consequences, like arrest, trial and conviction for murder. Do you really, honestly believe that every woman who is sick of putting up with the rudeness of strange men should resort to relocating every time it happens and/or committing murder? Don't you think those options are a tad extreme? Wouldn't it be easier if - oh, let's say - men stopped loudly offering their opinions of a woman's appearance and/or demanding that she "smile" and/or perform sexual acts on him in public?
#5 - Problem solved
WRONG. YOU are the problem. You are saying - in a nutshell - that you refuse to change your behavior and are further unwilling to admit that your behavior does indeed need changing. And it does. We tell children not to talk to strangers, but once the females reach sexual maturity, they are dismissed as "bitches" if they do not respond favorably to your unsolicited comments, suggestions and remarks. Can you really not see how profoundly fucked up that is?
No, women (in general) do not assume that all men are out to rape them. On the contrary, we are hoping against hope that you won't disappoint us, won't be yet another in a long line of douchebags, won't betray our already broken and bruised Trust. We will not stab you in the face with a nail file if you say "hello" politely, talk to us as if we were actual human beings and not walking sex dolls and attempt to engage us in conversation that is free of such tiresome gems as "so, send me nudes" or "do you masturbate?" Screaming at us from passing cars to show you our tits never works. The total amount of times I have stopped walking, dropped my purse and started pole dancing up and down the nearest STOP sign after being yelled at by some cretin in a speeding rust bucket is exactly zero fuckzillion.
I will smile when I want to, when I genuinely have something to smile about. I do not smile on command. I also do not fetch. Deal with it.
You don't have to worship us or walk on eggshells around us. Just treat us like people and act like a civilized man instead of a bull gorilla in heat. Is that so difficult to comprehend?
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