Sunday, January 3, 2016

Cops, Socks and Monkees!

Once upon a time, late in the year of 2015, two friends up and said: "Fuck this shit, let's do a podcast." And so they did. The result is:

My name is Annie Riordan. I do not have purple hair, nor do I own an axe. As a matter of fact, my hair is bright red (I prefer Vidal Sassoon's "Runway Red" which turns my shower stall into a blue whale abortion stall immediately following a thorough application) and the bright yellow Swiss army knife that hangs from my keyring couldn't put a nick in a banana.

I've been an unpaid horror film reviewer for over ten years. I've written for websites and magazines, watched thousands upon thousands of flicks that you'll never even hear of before you shed this mortal coil if you're lucky, and I am utterly and totally unqualified to be a critic, journalist, blogger, columnist and/or podcaster. Fuck you, I do it anyway.

Erik is my soul brutha, my best friend and a blogger/podcaster with many years of experience and reputation as such. He's the one who checks the levels and tells me when I need to move closer to the mic, speak up and stop shuffling those papers! He also provides me with excellent shots of the smoothest whiskey in the galaxy when pre-show jitters threaten to make me sound even stupider than I already do.

Erik is the guy who writes the notes, does the research and mixes the whole mess into a tight one hour of free-flowing dorkiness. I just sit around and take credit. In his spare time, Erik also runs The Novel Sound, works as a warden in a high security prison for illiterate teens and hands out lupins to the poor.

We live in Rhode Island. And once every two weeks or so, we record ourselves talking for an hour about music, movies, books, and socks. We really like socks. Between us, we have an amassed knowledge of shit that nobody really cares about that could fill a super secret government warehouse.

We are on Facebook:

We are on Twitter:

And, most importantly, we are on iTunes:

Please hang out with us. We want you to email us with suggestions, criticisms, thoughts and love. Send us more socks! Correct our glaring errors! Tell us what you'd like to hear us talk about! You can email us at

We just uploaded our 5th episode, in which we discuss our favorite cinematic cops, the latest Henry Rollins vehicle He Never Died, and just how dark and cynical The Monkees really were. Next week we'll be talking about...I have no idea. We kinda make this shit up as we go. Maybe werewolves? Possibly pizza? Got some suggestions?

Let us know!!!

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